Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big Brother Brazil Rape Scandal: Housemate Daniel Echaniz allegedly raped fellow housemate Monique Amin Read more: Big Brother Brazil Rape Scandal: Housemate Daniel Echaniz allegedly raped fellow housemate Monique Amin

Big Brother Brazil is being rocked by a rape scandal involving two of its housemates.

Big Brother Brazil housemate Daniel Echaniz (left) 'raped' Monique
 Amin (right)
Big Brother Brazil housemate Daniel Echaniz, a 31-year-old "black" professional model, has been accused of raping fellow housemate Monique Amin, a 23-year-old student.

The intimate moment between Daniel Echaniz and Monique Amin while under the blanket was watched live by millions of Brazilian viewers, video of which has already been uploaded on Youtube.

The incident happened early morning Sunday, January 15, 2012, after the housemates had a drinking party. (Our very own Pinoy Big Brother also had a drinking party that day.)

That's only 5 days after all 12 housemates have entered Big Brother Brasil house last January 10.

Wow! Can you imagine that? Daniel and Moni barely know each other, yet they already did that inside the house.

The Daily Mail reports that the police has been alerted of a possible rape inside the Big Brother house and is now conducting an investigation.

Daniel Echaniz allegedly took advantage of the alcohol-fueled and unconscious Monique Amin, which can be classified as rape, but Amin, when asked about what happened, there was no rape and it was consensual.

Big Brother Brazil allegedly was given an option by the police, either to remove Daniel Echaniz or cancel the show, as investigation continues for the alleged rape.

The show opted to eject Daniel for a serious violation of the house rules. (In Pinoy Big Brother, it's Forced Eviction).

Echaniz left the Big Brother Brazil on Monday, January 16, a day before the 1st Eviction, where Echaniz was not among the nominees.

But his misbehaviour caused him to become the first housemate to exit Big Brother Brazil Season 12.

While "under the blanket" thing is very common in some Big Brother versions worlwide, it's I think the first "rape" incident that ever happened in any version of Big Brother (if it was indeed a rape).

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