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Monday, May 23, 2011

Shirtless Gleek! Darren Criss for OUT Magazine

The part Filipino who's making a name in Hollywood via the hit TV series "Glee" is Darren Criss. He's on the cover of OUT Magazine but although he plays Gay in "Glee" as Kurt's love interest Blaine, he is a straight guy. His character in "Glee", as announced, will have a turning point wherein he will realize that he can go both ways or in short, he can be a Bisexual.
Ryan Murphy tells Out. “Blaine will openly question whether bisexuality is real. I think that some people will love that discussion and some will not love it.
Blaine's character started as a very confident gay student that inspired our beloved Kurt to empower his sexuality, what will happen next? For now see Darren's photos for OUT Magazine!

Photos courtesy of: Out Magazine

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